Being A Man And Loving God (Part 3)
After I wrote the first article in this series, I kept going back and editing because something kept bothering me about two things. I had communicated as though I "know" something, and I had communicated that people should (want to) love God?
It is not true that I know that no individual can "know" God. And it was unfair for me to say that. I do not know.
This knowing is exactly what I stand against, and what I do not want to portray or act out in any way. It is important to me that people have the right to their perspectives and beliefs, whatever they are.
And because maybe someone truly does know God, or feels like they do. Can you tell me the difference between feeling you know and truly knowing? I cannot.
Unless they start telling everyone and force them into an agreement, then I get pissed! Righteous. And am compelled to go into action.
Live and let live, especially when it comes to God. And now I will tell you why I feel this way. But first you have to read Being a Man and Loving God (Part 2), please read that now.
Remember the 12-year-old boy that took his own life because he felt unbearable shame about masturbating? Do you think if that boy's God loved him and told him he was loved and that masturbation is okay the young man would have killed himself?
Would it be true that God loved him even while he masturbated? I think so. My God would. I wish that poor young man could have found my God. My God loves everyone, unconditionally and completely. Period. My God accepts everyone and everything they do. My God does not have any "right" or "wrong," there is no such thing as "knowing," and my God is not disgusted by humanity.
Unfortunately, my God does not defend itself or worry about what people say about God. I will deal with God later about that.
Why do I want people to love and be intimate with God? So that the young man and the young pregnant woman in that article, and every other person like them would be alive today. It makes me cry.
It is our job to evolve toward more love and connection, and toward greater awareness of how much we each want love. That is who we are. That is what having a god helps us to do.
What a shame people suffer and take their lives over things they are taught to believe. What a shame they do not know these things are other peoples beliefs and they do not have to accept those beliefs. What a shame they do not have a loving and compassionate god that accepts them without judgment. What a shame! Now I have to cry again.