Could This Be A Miracle Peptide For Weight Loss
July 31, 2022 Update - Today I listened to an FT Weekend podcast related to this post that you can read the transcript for or listen to, but there are two important points I want to make before you read my post - 1.) the drug Wegovy the FT Weekend is discussing is exactly the same as the Semaglutide I am describing in the post below but Wegovy is a branded version and more expensive than generic semaglutide. This is a big deal about drug companies that you might want to learn more about because the FT Weekend describes this drug as costing $1,349 per month and you can get the generic version for much less, I pay about $350 per month. You just need to find the right doctor that understands this, and 2.) the dosing recommended for Wegovy is higher than what I share below and you might have difficulty tolerating the recommended dose. Do not let that discourage you without trying the reduced dosing I describe, which worked for me and will likely work for you.
Finding happiness and peace includes feeling good physically and mentally. I do not know about you, but struggling with my weight has caused as much and maybe more stress in my life than relationships. For a whole bunch of people the feeling of being chronically overweight is a big issue, and one of the most widely sought after and difficult goals to achieve.
Personally, I feel strongly that the evolution of society has been a two edged sword in this regard. We no longer spend much time hunting or growing our own food and instead rely on whatever others, mostly companies expecting to make a profit create. This means convenient and easy because that is what people want and are willing to pay for. This evolution of our society likely causes unhealthy changes to our bodies metabolisms and systems, and has definitely created an obesity problem. While I am one of those that believes we can solve this issue through personal gardens and carefully purchasing more expensive foods that we are unable to raise or grow on our own, that is not something I am willing to put the time or energy into. I am guilty of liking an easy solution.
Like many of us, I exercises daily and follows a healthy (B+) diet, not a perfect diet but a damn good one. I have done this my entire life but always had twenty pounds of excess weight. Sure I can, and have, lost weight by starving myself but that was never fun, nor did it permanently change my habits or weight. But recently my doctor introduced me to a peptide named Semaglutide and it works. You can read all about it on the internet and there are lots of scary articles alongside the accolades so you should do your own due diligence and research, and you must speak to your own doctor. But I can tell you about my experience, and that I believe Semaglutide has the potential to cause permanent change to metabolism and weight.
The recommended dose is 2.4mg one time per week and that really upset my stomach and I felt horrible. So my doctor recommended I decrease the dosage to 1.5mg twice a week and this I could tolerate. After taking Semaglutide for two months I saw noticeable changes to my diet and cravings along with a loss of 15 pounds. Then I took two months off before taking the same dosing regimen for one more month. All told, I had the following results - my starting weight before the Semaglutide was 210 pounds and about a 27% body-fat, at the end of the regimen described above, I now weigh 185 pounds and am about 20% body-fat. I never tried or worried about changing my diet but many things no longer appealed to me and my appetite decreased dramatically, which mostly persisted during the two months I took off the Semaglutide.
Ultimately, I may need to take Semaglutide one or two times per year for a month each time, but this is the first time I feel confident that I can maintain a healthy weight and metabolism. And I cannot tell you how happy this makes me feel, how much stress has disappeared. At sixty-five and with a father that died of a heart attack at age forty-seven, and with my own heart health in question, maintaining a healthy weight is of paramount importance to my mental well being, and of course my physical well being too. Check it out and see if Semaglutide is a worthwhile peptide for you.