God, God, God
Does this post scare or offend you? Make you suspicious or wary of the writer? Most people have a strong reaction at the scantest hint or mention of the word God. Is there a more potent word?
I am not going to claim there is any definition of God, as a matter of fact, humanity's continued attempts to define God are a significant obstacle to many people's desire to know more about God. But what a shame, what a shame that something so important to humanity's evolution and history is now for many, at the very least, an uncomfortable word.
One of the most beautiful things about a blog is that it is a place to share views, so here I go. Your right is to share your opinion, be it similar or opposing. May we all learn something.
What is God? I do not believe that God is knowable. Therefore all those who define God are either frauds or very compassionate people giving others comfort and hope. Neither changes what God is.
Is there a God, or is God real? Let me answer by asking this question, is there anything beyond our understanding? Is there any mystery still unknown to humankind? That is God. Is there any feeling of wanting to be connected to anything beyond oneself? That is God. Is there anything to share with or from other beings, be it love or other? That is God. Why not? What else would you like to call it? Is there more to God? Absolutely. Why shouldn't God extend beyond our consciousness?
What about atheist or agnostic points of view? These viewpoints are an excellent balance to fundamentalist and fanatic points of view. These viewpoints do not discredit God; they discredit the definitions society and religion have assigned to God. Perfect. Discrediting these definitions is as it should be and needs to be.
But why is any of this important? Because it is the essence of what humans are crying out for, it is at the very heart of our confusion and despair. We have lost touch with the most honest part of our beings. Let's make it an important part of our lives to create the freedom and space for people to have an infinite number of definitions and perspectives about God. Let's encourage it!
Let's make it attractive to become friends with God and to have a personal and meaningful relationship directly with God! Let's accept that God can speak to people in every language, from every perspective, and wants to help, wants to support and love each of us in our own unique and personal way.
What a novel idea, an all loving God.