Many things happen during our lifetime, perhaps most important among them is our personal growth, and a big part of that is the culture and politics that surround us. Long ago that may have been the way the government took a part of our crops, or enslaved our people, but today it is a bit less dramatic. But still happening. This video lays out my opinions, nothing more, and with the intention that you gain something in terms of your integration of the current affairs.
A few caveats:
My interpretation of events has changed with each decade of my life. During my twenties, I may have been aware of the events of the day but they were so far behind my own needs of money, love, etc., that I would not have given them any time. It was not until this decade of my sixties that I took current events seriously and felt the need to do something.
Major upheavals are cyclical, during my lifetime there have been a few major and minor cultural and political rifts, so it is important to remember that these things are natural in our human evolution. The earliest major upheaval, that rivals our current situation, was during the sixties with the Viet Nam war, the fear of an imminent nuclear holocaust between Russia and the United States, the Assassinations of Presidents and world leaders, and the craziness of Charles Manson. And then there were the never-ending Middle East wars, September 11th, and the great recession.
My views are not important, or right, but finding ways of interpreting data and forming opinions is important.
The power of democracy is to vote, and educating ourselves is the most important thing we can do to vote according to what we feel.
Generally, humans find a pack to join or follow. We must allow our awareness to grow and recognize the underlying thinking and feelings that guide our decision-making.