What Is Love?
Ok, who knows? If you think you know, wait a few years, and you are bound to have an experience that will change your opinion. Is there anything more important to any of us? Is love synonymous with God? These are questions we tend to ask more when we are young.
When I was young, love was about what I got, who loved me, was I worthy, did girls like me. What was I getting?
As I grew older and had children, love started to change. I thought about what I would do for my kids, who I could help, how I could contribute to the world. What I could give.
For me, love is the tangible sense of God, whatever God is. Love is what defines us. As we begin to understand Love we see it expands in front of us, faster than we can catch it.
Love is how I gauge my spirituality. What else can I relate it to? How else can I aspire to be more god-like and love unconditionally? What is the barometer?
Well, this is what I think about as I get older, what do you think about? How do you evolve, contribute to humanity, find purpose in your life? Do you share these feelings, have similar feelings, think this is a waste of time?