What Is Your Purpose?
What do people do when they are overwhelmed? It happens to all of us, but what do we do about it. We can't just eat, or we get too heavy; can't drink too much or we become alcoholics; can't take drugs for obvious reasons; can't ignore it because it will not go away. So, what do we do?
Feeling overwhelmed or a sense of angst is one of the most frustrating things about living. The truth is, as a society we are not very skilled at taking care of ourselves, or each other. We do not have the strong cultural and community support that many other cultures do, for the most part, we have become independent and lonely. Friendships help and so does family, but ultimately we need something more.
We need a purpose for our life, a reason for being alive. Finding purpose is critical to our well being, and in times of severe stress, this is all we have. For many parents, their purpose in life is to take care of their children, and this carries them through difficult times, but what happens when the kids are grown and gone? They must find a new purpose. Having purpose is a key to happiness. In addition to any other purpose you may have, let me show you a basic human purpose I believe we all share. You can never have too much purpose.
Consider our predecessors; they mastered the physical aspects of humanity. They endured great suffering as they discovered how to survive physically, how to protect themselves, feed themselves, and work through the complicated aspects of coming together in groups, tribes, and later, societies and cultures. This was their job, their purpose, and we are here because they succeeded.
Now we are in a new era, an equally crucial and pivotal point in human evolution. Our intellect has raced beyond our emotional and moral capacity; we must have a quantum leap in our consciousness. We need to move quickly if we are going to come out ahead. This is our true and noble purpose as human beings, and each of us must do our part. No one is more important than any other person.