I am doing well at the moment. My wife is not. At least as far as I am concerned. And I am concerned. But all men feel this way, women, too. So should I keep this to myself, or should I share with you?
Will it help even just one person, will it make someone feel more comfortable to know they are not alone? I think so.
It is like watching her push on a door that reads "Pull," and there is no way to help her open the door because she has created walls that keep anyone from getting to the door. Or to her. It is very frustrating. But that is her choice.
Choice. Wouldn't it be better if we didn't have one? No way. I like to use my choices wisely.
My choice is to love her as much as I can, to support her, to humble myself and recognize the door may swing both ways, to accept that I do not know what is happening inside of her, or with the door, or what her chosen lessons in life are.
My choice is to love her!